Insecta Pro 34 Base Mix

Insecta Pro 34 Base Mix

As low as £5.90
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Insecta Pro 34 Base Mix
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Need Help? Fill Our Form Here Or Call Us 01948 880 598
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  • Natural Power
  • Sustainable
  • Optimal Attraction

Crafted with sustainability in mind, Target Baits’ Insecta Pro 34 Base Mix offers an eco-friendly bait solution that delivers results all year long. 

Designed to closely mimic a carp’s natural diet, this innovative mix harnesses the power of black soldier fly larvae, triggering a powerful and  irresistible feeding response.

Packed with high-quality insect proteins alongside a blend of vegetable proteins, milk powders, seeds, and yeasts, InsectaPro 34 is rich in  essential amino acids, boosting both nutrition and natural palatability. The added Insecta Amino, exclusive to Target Baits, further enhances  its nutritional performance, ensuring optimal attraction and nourishment for carp.

Insecta Pro 34 provides a versatile, dependable bait mix that carp can’t resist, perfect for anglers seeking a natural and sustainable edge.

Use approximately 10 eggs per Kg of dry base mix, depending upon other liquids added. 

Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Vegetable Proteins, Bakery Products, Whey  Protein Concentrate, Semolina, Trusoy, Yeast Powder, Milk Powders, Maize  Protein, Seeds, Marine Algae, Egg Albumen, Spices & Additives.

How much does Delivery cost?

We subsidise our postage and packing costs to keep our prices as low as possible and use a 'next working day from dispatch' service as standard to help make the ordering process seamless. 

Our delivery prices are all based on the total weight, including packaging, and destination of your order. All delivery charges will be worked out automatically and displayed below your chosen products when you click 'Checkout'.  Please make sure you select the correct country or region when placing your order. If chosen incorrectly we will not be able to fulfil your order.

Large vs Small Orders

Small orders are orders that weigh less than 110Kg or contain less than 6 items, delivery price from £2.90.  These orders will be dispatched by parcel courier. Large orders over 110Kg and containing 6 items or more will be dispatched by pallet network from £30.00 

Please see our detailed list of delivery costs

Use approximately 10 eggs per Kg of dry base mix, depending upon other liquids added.

For more tailored advice please contact us

Nutritional Analysis
Oil 7.00 %
Protein 39.00 %
Fibre 4.00 %
Ash 6.50 %
Calcium 0.60 %
Phosphorus 0.60 %
Sodium 0.40 %
Lysine 2.00 %
Methionine 0.80 %